Friday 22 May 2015

B-Unstoppable: Meet The World’s First Mini Tank And Drone Together Technology

Drones are very common now a day. Recently, Amazon also introduces the new drones which delivers things to their customers in just a couple of minutes. Combination of wheels and wings together in drones are not a new technology, couple of years ago, Witek Mielniczek a UK product designer created a prototype vehicle, simply known as B- a combination of wheels like car and quadcopter. The interesting thing about B was that it was able to fly anywhere in the air and as well as drive on the ground, but makes it not good was its smooth round wheels which makes it difficult for B to move on rough terrain. That’s why he’s now shaped B-Unstoppable, which trades wheels for neoprene tank-like treads.
What makes this new B-unstoppable different from its older version is the idea that this replica can be used by users to drive on the ground until it experience the tough terrain. When any rough surface comes in its path the small wings of the B can make it fly and will reach the destination, however, it can spin 360 degrees on the spot, plus it has a lot more toehold. 
Specially designed threads for this little drone maintain a particular amount of tension by arm on both sides. Whenever any obstacles come during the drive of B-unstoppable this threads allow a bend of 4mm in and out which protect threads from any damage. When the drone is in ‘ground mode’, the propellers remains in line with the threads, and is positioned so that they’re not thrusting air down into the core body of the vehicle when in air travel.
A lithium polymer battery mounted in drone gives 900 mAh of power, which allows a 9 minute of flight or 18 minutes of drive. Two small LED lights are installed at front and back side of B-unstoppable with a camera. Users can also install their own camera on the drone, they can opt for a version with a built-in 720p DVR camera module that records footage for subsequent viewing, or they can go with a 720p FPV (first person view) package.

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