The Curiosity robot has detected the changes of methane on the surface of the red planet. Credit: NASA
The tunable laser spectrometer in the SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars)
instrument of the Curiosity robot has unequivocally detected an episodic
increase in the concentration of methane in Mars' atmosphere after an
exhaustive analysis of data obtained during 605 soles or Martian days.
This has been revealed in an article authored by scientists from the
MSL (Mars Science Laboratory) mission, recently published in Science.
One of the authors of this article is Francisco Javier Martín-Torres, a
researcher at the Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences (CSIC-UGR).
This puts an end to the long controversy on the presence of methane
in Mars, which started over a decade ago when this gas was first
detected with telescopes from Earth. The controversy increased
afterwards with the measurements obtained by orbiting satellites, some
of which were occasionally contradictory. These new and incontrovertible
data open paths for new research that can identify the sources that
produce this gas—which could include some type of biological
activity—and the mechanisms by means of which the gas is eliminated with
such inexplicable speed.
Ever since the Telescope in the Mauna Kea Canada-France-Hawaii
Observatory first announced the detection of methane in the Martian
atmosphere, several other measurements of the gas have been conducted by
means of a diversity of instruments, both remotely from earth, and also
by means of satellites like the Mars Express and the Mars Global
Since methane can be the product of biological activity—practically
all the existing methane in Earth's atmosphere originates in this
way—this has created great expectations that Martian methane could also
be of a similar origin.
Methane in Mars
These observations appeared to be contradictory. Some of them
suggested a distribution pattern that was limited in space (with its
source in the Northern hemisphere) and time (with a peak of
concentration during summer in the Northern hemisphere and its
subsequent vanishing in just a matter of months). Both facts are
inexplicable by available photochemical and general circulation models,
which are currently used to define our understanding of Martian
According to these models, if there really existed methane in Mars,
it would remain there for an average 300 years, and during this period
it would be homogeneously distributed across the atmosphere. Since we
lack a model that can account for its generation, localization and swift
disappearance, detections were all called in doubt, and the results
were attributed to the instruments employed in their detection, which
were working on the very limit of their capacity, and also to the fact
that the concentration values of the gas that they yielded were of the
ppbv order (parts per billion by volume).
"Within this context, and when we were all almost fully
persuaded that the data we had so far collected were at the very least
rough it not fully invalid, the expectations to decide on this were
bestowed upon the capacity of the SAM instrument to come up with more
precise measurements", says this researcher at the Andalusian Institute
of Earth Sciences.
By means of its TLS unit, SAM has been detecting basal levels of
methane concentration of around 0,7 ppbv, and has confirmed an event of
episodic increase of up to ten times this value during a period of sixty
soles (Martian days), i.e., of about 7 ppvb.
The new data are based on observations during almost one Martian year
(almost two Earth years), included in the initial prediction for the
duration of the mission (nominal mission), during which Curiosity has
surveyed about 8 kms in the basin of the Gale crater.
Martian seasons
During this period, which comprehends all the full cycle of Martian
seasons, the reference to the environmental data collected by the
meteorological REMS (Rover Environmental Monitoring Station) station has
allowed for the establishment of possible correlations with the
environmental parameters that this instrument records: relative
humidity, temperature and atmospheric opacity. Data on atmospheric
opacity was obtained both by the UV sensor in REMS and also by MastCam
(Mast Camera), the camera at Curiosity, which is employed for support in
atmospheric surveys.
REMS is an instrument that has been developed and it is being
scientifically exploited by Spanish researchers, some of whom have been
members of the team that has conducted this important research. The
hypothetical existence of seasonal variations in methane concentration
in correlation with certain environmental variables, in any case, will
be only confirmed through sustained measurements in the future,
specifically oriented to establish which factors can determine the
sporadic emission and subsequent degradation of this gas in Mars. As far
as the spatial disposition of the methane plumes, they have concluded
that they are generated in very brief and weak events and in very
specific places.
TLS is a two-channel tunable laser spectrometer which analyses in the
infrared region—more specifically in a 2,7 μm wavelength through the
first channel, and 3,27 μm through the second. The latter channel is
specifically prepared for the detection of methane. It has a resolution
of 0,0002 cm-1, which allows for the detection of methane through its
spectrographic footprint of three very clearly defined lines, and the
procedure which is applied (laser light absorption through a sample
contained in a closed cell) "is simple, non-invasive and sensitive" as
the article itself claims.
Small margin of error
The containing cell can be full of Martian environment or as a vacuum
to make contrasting measurements, which include some conducted through
artificially increased concentrations, "which has resulted in a very
reduced margin for error and guarantees the accuracy of results, which
can now be deemed definitively conclusive", says Martín-Torres.
According to him, the new questions posed by these results far
outnumber the answers it does provide. "It is a finding that puts paid
to the question of the presence of methane in the Martian atmosphere,
but it does pose some other more complex and far-reaching questions,
such as the nature of its sources—which must lie, we believe, in one or
two additional sources that were not originally contemplated in the
models used so far. Among these sources, we must not rule out biological
methanogenesis. Another new question is related to the bizarre
evolution of methane in the Martian atmosphere after its emission. Both
questions should be addressed in the future with specifically designed
new research."
The newly arrived MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) from
NASA will immediately provide continuity for the study of this subject,
and in the near future the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), jointly developed
by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Space Agency
(Ruscosmos), which is also part of the ExoMars mission, will measure the
concentration of methane at larger scale, and it will allow for the
establishment of a framework to contextualize the results obtained, and
deepen our knowledge of methane dynamics in Mars.
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